“I just finished Otherwise Normal People and wanted immediately to let you know how much I enjoyed it. Your book brought my rose beds into my bedroom at night. I’ll miss reading it before turning out the light. Thank you.”

-Tim K., Tennessee



Otherwise Normal People

by Aurelia C. Scott

Now out in paperback.  Available from your local Independent Bookseller (that would be my recommendation) or from Amazon.

The Boston Globe said that it's about a 'subculture as entertaining as it is obsessive' and the New York Times said that 'the blissful victims that Aurelia C. Scott depicts are goners.'  The Seattle Post-Intelligencer said 'you'll savor every page.'  

You will meet an Ohio surgeon who persuades tight blossoms to open by warming them with his wife’s hair dryer. An Arizona lawyer who chastizes floribundas with a sharp shovel. A Minnesota potter who buries tender hybrid teas in deep pits during the winter. And Clarence Rhodes, who kept his wife from leaving by planting her a rose garden-

Now out in paperback.  Available from your local Independent Bookseller (that would be my recommendation) or from Amazon.

Roses being readied for a show.  Why Groom a dog when you can groom the queen of flowers?

CLARENCE Rhodes has the round lined face of a Midwestern corn farmer and the rolling infectious laugh of the Wizard of Oz after his secret was discovered. Clarence’s own secret is evident to anyone who has ever seen the floral display that almost hides his gray-shingle cape on a tree-lined residential street. He is simply wild about roses. So wild that he grows 200 tender hybrid teas in cut-off 10- and 20-gallon plastic trash containers and about fifty hardier varieties in the ground beside his back patio. He is immoderate perhaps, but if you know that the root of the name Rhodes is rhodon, the Greek word for rose, his passion seems inevitable...